Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rory's 1st 2nd Holiday

So Easter was Rory's 1st holiday of her life last year, so this year it is her first repeated holiday! I know...dumb. We celebrated by opening easter baskets from John and Joanne in the morning and then going to my moms and doing more easter baskets, decorating eggs, and having dinner. As usual Rory loved all the new stuff, especially the markers she got to use to color the eggs. We continue to struggle with the teething issue- you can tell by the red patch on Rory's cheek and all the drool. The following day we went to Corvallis to spend the first part of spring break with the cousins and had dinner at Aomatsu- a fun japanese restaurant. Rory loved the fire on the grill and kept signing for more- I finally got a good photo of her signing. After she ate she grabbed her blanket and binkie and "took a break" on the floor- this is her new thing- essentially taking 2 minute naps on ANY floor- I'm sure the waitresses were less then impressed at my killer parenting skills. I figure as long as no one is going to step on her she is fine- probably cleaner floors then at our house- I am sure they get mopped more often! Again, sign me up for mom of the year! ~Britt

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