the last couple of days rory has been really funny. i think she is just figuring out this sense of humor thing and is starting to say things to get a laugh. of course, the first time it's funny and adorable and the 900th time, not so much. so here are a few roryisms from the past week...
1. we have only been to toys r us a couple of times, and not in her memory. we walked in looking for owen's octipus i promised him for his birthday (optimus prime the transformer) and rory said, "OMG, mom- look at this store!"
2.we were at a friends house and i told her to go get her shoes on. she says, " i will do it by myself, cuz that's how i roll." the best part was the swagger that came with it.
3.) pat and i were sitting one evening discussing how totally and completely lucy can destroy a room. we were describing how messy she is and calling her a grubby baby and rory pipes in with, " guys, welcome to my life."
and last, but also my fav. we were driving down i-5 and rory literally gasped and yelled, "mom, stop the car!". i, a little panicked, asked, "why?" she replies, "because i just saw cinerella's castle!"
yep, or the morman tabernacles- same thing.
to be continued this week i am sure as she pops off with more funny stuff. excuse my horrible grammer- still no shift key.